Pinetop-Lakeside Engagement/Blended Family Session | Arizona Family Photographer

Pinetop Arizona Family Photographer Light + Pine Photography serving Sedona Flagstaff National Parks

I simply adored this unique family session request for this sweet blended family. I tend to focus my work on family photography, however when contacted requesting about combining an engagement with family session, I knew how special this moment was for the family and was honored to be the chosen family photographer!

Flagstaff Family Photographer Light + Pine Photography serving Sedona, Pinetop, Greer, Arizona.
Pinetop Arizona Family Photographer Light + Pine Photography serving Sedona Flagstaff
Pinetop Arizona Family Photographer Light + Pine Photography serving Sedona Flagstaff National Parks
Arizona Family Photographer Ashley Cherry of Light + Pine Photography located in The White Mountains of Arizona in Pinetop. Serving Greer, Flagstaff, Sedona.
Arizona Family Photographer Ashley Cherry of Light + Pine Photography located in The White Mountains of Arizona in Pinetop. Serving Greer, Flagstaff, Sedona.
Flagstaff Family Photographer Light + Pine Photography serving Sedona, Pinetop, Greer, Arizona.